
Have you ever taken the time to reason that since you were born, apart from the normal body functions, like the beating of the heart, the blinking of the eyes, movements of parts of your body, you can now do much more?

Look at your life today, regardless of who you are, where you are and where you thought you’ll be. One thing is clear that you should be proud of, and it is “You now possess a great deal of knowledge and intelligence and can also do lots of things”. From being a little child that was born and couldn’t speak meaningful words, you now have many meaningful conversations. You can speak your views about life and all that you have learnt from your past experiences and you are better for it today. You have learnt numerous skills and achieved so many feats in the short span of your life.

Look over your life, I say! Take away the comparisons with others and look at you. You are the best learner there ever was. Everything you are today, you learnt, whether from reading books, watching or listening to others and even your own personal experiences. You are an ever growing development. That is something to be proud of. 

Let this be a reason for you to be motivated, empowered, filled with energy and life. If you learnt this much so far, there is nothing you still can’t learn. If you have achieved this much, nothing is stopping you from achieving so much more. Now is not the time to give up, but take a glance behind to all you have become, and move ahead! All you have done is very little compared to what you are set to be. Don’t stop learning and don’t stop counting your blessings.


You deserve this

Thanks for reading. 🙂

Victory Odunjo

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